Precisely what cats do? They protect from negative astral energy.

In those lands, cradle of all magic and spirituality, ancient Egypt, cat was deified in the figure of the goddess Bastet, protector of the home. One of the most common domestic animals, the cat, a regular companion animal. The usefulness of an animal whose mission next to man seems to be that of being loved and cared for by its owner.  The tenderness of hearing their purrs, while caressing their fur, brings a peace and tranquility. He holds the ability to hunt mice, as well as the mouse eagle, the owl and many other animals. However, it has never been seen that these other animals are in the houses next to man.

But while dogs protect us, are guardians, protect the home, help in the hunting, and are absolutely faithful on a physical, earthly, concrete level we might say, cats do it on a more subtle level, more etheric, more internal if you prefer to see it that way. In other words, cats are capable of defending us against the non-physical influences that could hurt us around us; they defend us from negativity. Cats, associated with magic and witchcraft, protects the magician who manages subtle energies that if not properly protected could harm him. Cats recycle the bad energies with which the magician works.

All magic is black because it pretends to alter the course of things, but talking about that is not the issue now. It is not that the animal absorbs them as scientifically could be thought, but that the presence of the feline prevents that negativity from doing harm, it is as if it diluted it. As are the current times, hatred, envy, resentment, criticism, which is in our immediate environment, everyone can do well to have a cat, but if there is someone for whom it should be absolutely indispensable to have a cat, it is to the healers, exorcists and seers in general. This is because those who go to these consultations, mostly do not do it out of curiosity or knowledge but because they have a problem, a concern they want to get rid of and by their own will they are not able to do it; that is, they carry a negative charge that comes from their environment. When the healer is able to release the negativity of the person, it remains and must be recycled in some way, but it is possible that the healer himself receives it. You may have heard of therapeutic massage therapists who, after giving a massage, have felt bad, that would be the typical case of freeing a patient of negativity and being absorbed by the person who has taken it off.

As a ying being, a cat allows the entrance to the unknown world, to spirituality, to everything hidden and its innate curiosity reflects the innate curiosity of all men for those issues, even when it is formally denied. Those people who do not like cats actually have a deep fear of all the subtle world that hides behind matter and that we know exists. If the dog teaches the man by active yang, teaches the -I love you-, the cat teaches him by passive ying, teaches the -love me-. So the reflection and example of love that domestic animals give us is complete, because it can not be loved without being loved or viceversa.

So... in ancient worlds also,

The cat, like the serpent, was not moved by the death of the Buddha. That is a reflection of his superior position. Death is natural.

Muhammad's cat fell asleep on the arm of the prophet. He decided to cut the sleeve of the shirt and said to his cat "you will be with me in paradise".


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